Interpreters - October, 2011

Interpreters - October, 2011
Haiti's future doctor and nurse - one high school student and the Director of a great mission in Grand Goave.

One day at a time.........

One day at a time.........
Cleaning, organizing, and teaching.

Haiti, here we are!

Haiti, here we are!

Good Night Haiti

Good Night Haiti
The end of a beautiful day

First day of school

First day of school
This little one is VERY excited about going to shool

Bible and Health Conference

Bible and Health Conference
Some of the women participating

What will his future hold?

What will his future hold?
Our new friend in Haiti

Pink Room

Pink Room
This really was a 'Happy' room

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Great Team to Haiti

In October we traveled back to Haiti with a great team.  Everyone was focused and determined to make the most of our time there.  We had clinic, played with children, cleaned the school clinic, visited different areas of Haiti and praised the Lord.  Time is precious in Haiti and there is so much to do!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August in Haiti Means Hot Weather

    We made another exciting trip to Haiti.  Our first adventure was to paint a large room for a women who runs a school in Port Au Prince.  You don't need electric to paint a room and that was a good thing. There was no public electricity in her house until almost 2:30 AM so when we went to bed it was 96 degrees in our room!  Yikes...............After 3 days of blood, sweat and tears, we moved on to our next project.  We traveled to Carries, Haiti.  We sponsored the elementary school there for the last school year.
    After a clinic in April, I thought the women of the area needed a Bible and Health Conference.  We had a great time.  We stayed in an old but beautiful house on the beach.  The views and sunsets were spectacular.  The first night we did have a ceiling fan.  The mosquito netting made me clostrophobic, but, it is better than being eaten in the night by those huge, flying dive bombers. The next night we started with the fan but early into the darkness - no electric.  We worked in the church with the women and they were attentive and appreciative.  It was electric to be able to encourage and answer questions for these ladies who have almost nothing.  They stood and sang to us as we finished the conference.  They said, "We have nothing to give you so we want to sing you a song."  WOW!  That was a 'gift'.  We always come back to the states BLESSED....
    Our last 3 days were used to visit a new place for us.  We traveled beyond Grand Goave to visit a project that we had been following.  God's plans are unknown to man, but if we wait, He has great things in store for us.  Again, another blessing during that trip.  I truly know that I will not melt.  Perspiration poured from my body and still I did not disappear.  We'll be going back to Haiti.  We want to do our little part in helping there.  Our work is only a drop in the bucket for God, but if we all keep adding those drops, one day the bucket will be full!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

We are still traveling to Haiti several times a year. We have been finanically sponsoring a little school in Haiti. There are 155 little children attending this school. We will check on the school in June before the summer break. The little ones are so eager to learn. It is a blessing to help them. God has provided the money needed to keep this school open this school year. We provided assessments on the kids and made sure they were healthy. There is well for water, a spetic tank and toilets and sinks. This may sound strange but these things help make the children and village healthy. Thanks to everyone who helps us help those in Haiti. God Bless..........

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Children in Haiti try to survive from day to day. They never know if they will have food to eat or shelter. We had gifts and dollar bills for everyone. It was great to see the look on those kids' faces when they each got a sack of gifts. We are not promised tomorrow so live today as though it could be the last. Love those children and help make their lives better. Tell then about Jesus.

Team Trip to Haiti in April, 2008

Bob Heier Ministries is making all arrangements for a Medical Missions trip to Haiti in April. We will be taking the same team members from our summer trip. We are so fortunate to have such team members who have a heart for Haiti. We will spend 9 days in Port au Prince as our base for the busy schedule. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. We are excited about this trip.