Interpreters - October, 2011

Interpreters - October, 2011
Haiti's future doctor and nurse - one high school student and the Director of a great mission in Grand Goave.

One day at a time.........

One day at a time.........
Cleaning, organizing, and teaching.

Haiti, here we are!

Haiti, here we are!

Good Night Haiti

Good Night Haiti
The end of a beautiful day

First day of school

First day of school
This little one is VERY excited about going to shool

Bible and Health Conference

Bible and Health Conference
Some of the women participating

What will his future hold?

What will his future hold?
Our new friend in Haiti

Pink Room

Pink Room
This really was a 'Happy' room

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Great Team to Haiti

In October we traveled back to Haiti with a great team.  Everyone was focused and determined to make the most of our time there.  We had clinic, played with children, cleaned the school clinic, visited different areas of Haiti and praised the Lord.  Time is precious in Haiti and there is so much to do!